Find vulnerabilities in your

How it works
Metalware is a black box binary analysis tool for fuzzing embedded architectures like ARM Cortex. We use a hybrid strategy combining symbolic execution and coverage-guided fuzzing, resulting in state-of-the-art code coverage and efficiency compared to other fuzzing techniques.
Metalware is protocol-agnostic, enabling you to test serial, bluetooth, wireless, proprietary, and industry-specific protocols without manual configuration.
Upload your firmware binary file (.elf or .bin) via API or web interface.
Specify the memory map of your target device.
Metalware automatically performs failure injection and creates detailed vulnerability remediation reports.
Use Metalware Replay Debugger to quickly reproduce and root-cause defects.
Use Cases
Discover how Metalware enhances firmware development.

Medical Devices
For medical device developers and manufacturers

Aerospace & Defense
For government agencies, defense contractors, and aerospace companies

Consumer Electronics
For consumer electronics companies and suppliers